Valla Beach Community Association
Get Involved!
There have been some tremendous achievements in Valla Beach over the past few years. Consider the following: Anderson Park toilets, playground, exercise equipment, cricket practice nets, beach access improvements to name but a few. This is all happening because the community is requesting it.
The Valla Beach Community Association (VBCA) is the conduit that represents the local community and works with Nambucca Valley Council to set the right priorities. Some projects are part-funded by the VBCA using funds raised at our regular Valla Beach Markets. There are more projects on the drawing board but the VBCA can't do all of the legwork.
The VBCA committee and markets subcommittee are all unpaid volunteers and we really do need some new faces. Please give some consideration to helping us help you. Consider offering your service to take the weight of a dedicated but overstretched committee. It is not an onerous task - contact us and discuss it with us.
Community Calendar

When / Date
What / Event
Where / Location
Monday March 3rd 2025 from 7:00 pm
Valla Beach Association - General Meeting
Valla Beach Hall (Valla Beach Road)
July 2025 - Date / Time TBC
Valla Beach Association - General Meeting
Valla Beach Hall (Valla Beach Road)
November 2025 - Date / Time TBC
Valla Beach Association - Annual General Meeting
Valla Beach Hall (Valla Beach Road)
All members of the community are invited to attend our meetings. Come along and help us decide on the priorities for our fabulous communities, both Valla Beach and Valla (rural).
Motions from the floor are welcomed; however we ask that you contact the secretary beforehand. See the Contact Us page.
Valla Beach Entrance Gardens - Keep it Beautiful!
The gardens on the north side are maintained by our wonderful volunteers, Robyn Croker and Dennis Ashton.
The gardens on the south side is now maintained by our new volunteer Lynette Gwilliam.
VBCA thanks these wonderful residents for helping keep our entrance garden looking great.
But as you know, the gardens do not look after themselves – when Robyn, Dennis and Lynette need a break or go on holidays, we need more volunteers to give the occasional hour to keep them free of weeds; many hands make light work. If you would like to assist with a few hours a month please please contact us.
Valla Views
Valla Views is a community newsletter produced by the Valla Beach Markets sub-committee of the VBCA; it is timed to coincide with the markets - Valla Views is published every two months around 10 days before each market.
Valla Views has a limited hard-copy distribution to cafe's in and around Valla Beach.
You can read it online, or download the latest available edition here
If you are interested in contributing to, or advertising in Valla Views, please email Carole at
Valla Beach Turnoff Accidents 2024/2025 – Radio Interviews (2NVR 105.9FM)

Valla Beach Markets: Lost Property

Legal Issues in a Disaster (eg. Fire) – Are you Ready (Free Session)

New Stage at Valla Reserve – Finished!

Open NOW! New Footbridge at Valla Beach Reserve

Nambucca Valley Council Strategic Plan (CSP)

(Jan 2025 Update) Valla Beach Community Defibrillators