Building of a new sheltered Stage for Valla Reserve has begun!

Valla Beach Community Association Logo

A new Stage for the Valla Beach Markets and the Local Communuity - thanks to VBCA and the Nambucca Valley Council

Planned completion - June 2024

Visitors to the Valla Reserve, where we hold the markets, will have noticed construction works in the area. After four years of activity by the VBCA, involving canvassing the idea, consulting with the community and Council, applying for grants, and dealing with COVID and delays, work has finally started on the building of a sheltered stage.

We will use this to provide a platform for the live music we always provide at our markets, as well as our yearly Christmas Carols Family Evening.

This new stage will also be a community resource available to everyone - be it for a wedding, a night time film showing, or just to hang out with friends.

Building Progress

As of the week of Monday 19th February 2024: Concrete has started to be poured and will continue this week.

In early March the shade structure will be erected.

Work will continue over the next month or so to connect up power.

We plan to have a grand opening at our June 1st 2024 market.

Peter Sobey, President - VBCA (25th February, 2024)

Valla Reserve new covered stage - building has commenced in Feb 2024 (footings and concrete)