(Jan 2025 Update) Valla Beach Community Defibrillators
We need to start raising funds for replacement batteries for the A.E.D all seven that are in place and are checked monthly.
We hope to run a CPR and defribrillator session early April 2025, look out for dates and information in the next copy of Valla views.
If you ever find a problem or use the defribrillators, please contact Pat Greenwood.
Feburary 2023
A milestone for the Valla Beach Defib project was met on Sunday 12th February 2023 at the Valla Beach Hall. Having installed all seven AEDs in the community over January, a launch and talk by a visiting paramedic was held to educate residents about the defibrillators. Two informative training sessions were held and were very well attended by over 80 local residents. The subjects covered included when to use an AED, how to use it and what to do in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest.
The official launch of the project was attended by various local dignitaries and sponsors. The RFS and ambulance service were also represented as well as surf lifesaving and the fire brigade. Each defibrillator now has a “minder” who is responsible for monthly checks and tests and a report is sent to the Defib Project in Sydney. As part of the ongoing facilitation of the project, each residence will receive an information pack with a magnetised map of the locations of the defibs. For more information please contact Pat Greenwood on 6569 5323 or Julie Collins on 0414 707 575.
See also - www.newsofthearea.com.au/valla-beach-community-defib-project