Recycling and Container Returns in our community
Let's all help our community, the local environment, and the planet - by recycling what we can!
NSW Container Returns Scheme / Refunds in the Valla Area
Billions of containers are returned through Return and Earn in NSW every year. By recycling bottles, cans and cartons, you’re helping our environment and earning along the way, putting money back into the hands of the community. Return and Earn is the rewarding way to recycle your drink containers. Every container returned makes an impact.
Look for the logo on the container!
IF in doubt you can check individual containers here.
see Statistics below from Aug 2023.

Please be a part of helping Valla Beach and the planet!
Below is some helpful information relevant to the Valla Beach and Valla Community that can be used to do your part in contributing to preserving our environment and helping our community.
Introducing Darren Squibb
Our local Valla Beach Recycling champion!
Drop off your refundable containers in the street at 74 Seaforth Drive, Valla Beach!
Darren has been helping clean up recycle in the local area for over 10 years, and feeding the money from container refunds back into the community. He lives in Valla Beach and can take your refundable containers to Coffs Harbour (free of charge).
There are three ways you can get your refundable, recyclable containers to him:
1. (Preferred method) Drop off in Valla Beach, into Darren's trailer that is parked on the street at:
74 Seaforth Drive, Valla Beach, 2448 (Look for the trailer and the adjacent sign)

2. (Preferred method) Drop off on Valla Beach Market Days in Darren's collection bins (that you find next to the normal/landfill waste bins).
3. Collection - If you have a decent quantity (eg. 100+ or a few boxes at least, sorted and ready to go) and live in the Valla, Valla Beach, or Nambucca Heads area then you can contact Darren on 0437 766 557 .... to potentially arrange for your recyclable containers to be collected by him, from your premises.
Where the container deposit money goes
Darren donates 100% of the funds from cans to worthy wildlife and environmental preservation causes, usually related to Koala conservation.... Win! Win!
These include Bangalow Koalas, Lismore friends of Koalas, the Great Koala National Park, and the Forest Ecology Alliance. Bottles are collected for Boobooks.
Local Organisations that currently collect for Darren (and hence for our community) include:
- Urunga Pre-School
- Valla Beach Community Markets (see the specials bins at each market)
... if your organisation would like to collect refundable containers and get to them to Darren - please call him to discuss!
Local Business owners that collect refundable containers for Darren include:
- Earthbound Bowra (Nambucca heads)
...if your business would like to collect refundable containers and get to them to Darren - please call him to discuss!
Volunteers to help Darren
Darren would love volunteers to help him collect containers and rubbish from the local areas. He is also active in cleaning up Ginagay Way, and the M1.
If you are interested in helping please contact Darren on 0437 766 557 .... to talk about this.
Find your local Return and Earn Machine
Collect the 10c refund per container yourself!Nambucca Heads
Sports Recreation Park (Coronation Park),24 Short Street
Nambucca Heads
Glass, Plastic and Cans
Walter Munro Pl
Glass, Plastic and Cans
Connell Park,
1149 Waterfall Way
Glass, Plastic and Cans
Coffs Harbour Container Return Centre
Unit 4/313 Pacific Hwy,
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
Phone: (02) 8212 9577
Handles Large Volumes
Drop off items at the Tip
Free drop off for certain types of items (including dangerous and hard to recycle items)NAMBUCCA HEADS COMMUNITY RECYCLING CENTRE ("the tip")
Address: 711 Old Coast Road, Nambucca Heads
Phone: 02 6568 2170
Opening hours: 7-days per week, 8:00am to 4:00pm, CLOSED PUBLIC HOLIDAYS
The following items can be dropped off FREE at the Nambucca Heads Waste Management Centre:
Household Recyclables
Plastics numbered 1-7
Paper and cardboard
Glass bottles and jars
Aluminium and steel cans
White Goods
Fridges and freezers
Washing machines and dryers
Other Recyclables
Electronic Goods
Problem Household Waste
Some items are harmful if placed in your bin or in landfill. They can cause environmental damage as well as harm to humans and wildlife by fire and explosions.
The following items can be taken to the Community Recycling Centre for FREE (domestic quantities only):
Gas bottles
Batteries (household, car and boat)
Oil (cooking and motor)
Smoke alarms
Fire extinguishers
Light globes and tubes
Some background on the horrendous plastic issues and broader waste recycling problems we face (as a community, planet and species) can be found in the highly recommended ABC (free on iView) series "The War on Waste" - if you have time, give it a watch!